Hero Image

Current & Upcoming exhibitions



Daniel Stier / Look around you 1 Daniel Stier / Look around you 2

Vernisage: Friday, 19.04.2024 7:00 PM

Open on Saturday, 20.04. & Sunday 21.04. from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM

LOOK AROUND YOU is a photo installation featuring works by photographer Daniel Stier. In the work, the boundaries of photographic genres dissolve, and the ambiguity of photographs becomes a method: seductive, colorful, and well‐lit, the images employ the coded vocabularies of product and advertising photography to confront us with landscapes and still lifes imbued with the reality permeated by technology and consumption. Recurring motifs of the artificial and banal leave a sense of unease. The work is an absurd potpourri, a collision of images reflecting our visually shaped reality, in which the boundaries between information, entertainment, advertising, art, and commerce increasingly blur.
Daniel Stier

Strangeplace Atelierhaus B‑71 Bettinastr. 73 Hinterhof 63067 Offenbach
